Platform is the original strand of Westminster Platform and works with Year 5 pupils from state schools who are showing excellent academic potential at key stage 2 level, and who would benefit from new and different learning opportunities, and extra guidance and support. Every year, Westminster recruits a group of 45 boys and girls, aged between nine and ten, to take part in Platform. The group is invited to attend ten Saturday sessions at Westminster Under School, to supplement the work they are doing in School. These sessions are led by teachers from Westminster Under School, who volunteer to teach on site using the School’s classrooms and facilities.

Our aim for Platform

We hope that pupils will enjoy a rigorous, challenging and eye-opening educational experience – a preparation for future opportunities and success. The programme is designed to stretch the brightest children in Year 5, to help them be even more confident and ambitious learners.

The Platform curriculum
The curriculum focuses on the academic development of students in a range of subject areas with an emphasis on English, Mathematics and Science. Time is dedicated to problem solving, working together, thinking independently and, most importantly, giving each child the opportunity to discover their talents.

In addition, pupils have lessons in other subjects, such as History, French, Science, Latin, Theatre, debating and storytelling, and get to have fun outside the classroom with a range of sporting and extra-curricular activities, making use of the school’s nearby Sports Centre and the playing fields at Vincent Square. Reading widely is hugely encouraged and, thanks to financial donations, we were able to set up a high quality library, lending books to pupils each month, as part of the English curriculum.

Also, each year in July, the programme hosts a Summer School, for pupils to review and exercise the content they have learned throughout the year.

The resources we provide
We give all Platformers a Platform T-shirt and stationery set when they join the programme. We also give them a Maths workbook and a handful of books, which are returned at the end of the course. All Platform pupils have access to the full online Atom Learning package, at no cost to the pupil or family. They also have a dedicated, personal Platform email address, which gives them access to classroom resources and the full range of Microsoft products that they may wish to use, such as Word and PowerPoint, and allows them to access any sessions via Zoom.

After Platform
In addition to providing a space in which pupils can further develop their learning, during the course of the year we also offer advice to parents and families interested in pursuing an application for their son or daughter to academically selective schools in both the state and maintained sectors, including Westminster School.

At the end of the programme, boys and girls often choose to sit entrance examinations for selective state schools, academies or independent schools, where full bursary provision is available. Boys have the opportunity to apply to Westminster Under School for entry at 11+, and are supported through this process. We would expect that all pupils participating in the Platform programme would come from households which qualify for a full bursary. Find out more about scholarships and bursaries at Westminster Under School.

Dates and times
The programme runs at Westminster Under School on ten Saturdays, from 9.00am to 1.00pm, from January to November, at regular intervals during term time. Also, each year in July, the programme hosts a Summer School. For this year’s dates, please refer to the Dates and Times page.

How to enrol
The School recruits a year ahead of the programme. Please see further information about how to enrol and when our new recruitment window opens.

For information about privacy, please refer to our Privacy Notice.

The welfare and safeguarding of Platform pupils is of paramount importance. All staff involved in Platform have received the appropriate level of training from Westminster School and Westminster Under School. Platform Safeguarding will follow the safeguarding procedures outlined in the Westminster School Safeguarding Policy, which may be downloaded from the Policies and Reports page of the Westminster School website.

Please email Danielle Jones (Director of Platform at Westminster Under School) if you have any questions or you require further information.

Find out More

Visit our dedicated news page for updates about the programme.