Westminster Platform

Platform Logo

In 2018, Westminster School launched Platform, a programme set up to fuel the ambitions of boys and girls in Year 5 from the state school sector who show academic potential. Since then, the School has developed its initiative for widening access, with the 2020 introduction of Platform+ for pupils in Year 10 and the recent launch of Platform Pups in 2023, for pupils in Year 2.

Westminster Platform is designed as an academic enrichment programme for gifted and talented young people from London’s state school sector. Through the three Platform programmes, we aim to nourish pupils’ academic potential and grow their confidence at different stages of their school life.

Each year, teachers from our partner schools nominate pupils who they think would benefit most from the opportunity, and those pupils then participate in a free one-year programme of Saturday morning sessions. For information about each strand of Westminster’s Platform Programme and how to enrol you or your child, please refer to the relevant links above.


Westminster Platform
Westminster Platform